High-quality welding robot used to weld furniture

Characteristics of welding
This series robot can realize thin plate (less than 3mm thickness) welding of stainless steel, galvanized sheet, carbon steel.
Welding machine features and benefits:
- High speed DSP+FPGA multi-core system, can shorten control period to control arc effectively;
- Periodic molten drop control technology, molten pool is more stable, with beautiful welding seam formation;
- Welding spatter for carbon steel decreases 80%, reduce spatter clean work; heat input reduces 10%~20%, small deformation;
- Integrated analog communication, international Devicenet digital communication and Ethernet communication interface, realize seamless integration with robot;
- Open type communication mode, robot can control all parameters of welding machine;
- Built-in start point test function, can achieve welding seam start point test without adding robot hardware;
- With precise pulse waveform control technology, and lower heat input to avoid burn through and deformation, also reduce 80% spatter, realize very thin plate low spatter welding. This technology is widely used in bicycle, fitness equipment, automobile component, and furniture industries.